




ERP System Deployment

Managed the deployment project of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system. The implementation of an ERP solution is a crucial endeavor that requires careful consideration of costs, return on investment (ROI), selection of the most suitable ERP software, and determining the optimal deployment option, be it on-site or cloud-based technology.

• Obtained executive buy-in and fostered consensus for the ERP implementation. Effectively communicated the transformative nature of ERP technology, emphasizing that it goes beyond software and has the potential to revolutionize business operations. Maintained frequent communication with executives, keeping them informed about the ERP implementation plans and any changes in processes to build consensus.

• Established realistic expectations for the ERP implementation. Highlighted the power of ERP software in streamlining processes, enhancing visibility, reducing costs, and improving overall efficiency and effectiveness of business operations. Emphasized the complexity involved in integrating various front- and back-office systems, ranging from accounting and inventory management to e-commerce and customer relationship management (CRM), to create a seamless experience for end users. Emphasized the need for meticulous planning and execution.

• Organized staff resources to provide robust project support. Ensured that the necessary staff resources were in place prior to commencing the ERP implementation, guaranteeing dedicated support throughout the project's completion. Assembled task force teams and identified task leaders to facilitate smooth progress and successful execution of the project.




ERP System Deployment

Collaborated on the deployment of the ERP system. The existing in-house flat file system was originally designed without considering network applications, resulting in frequent data collisions and system crashes. The ongoing costs and complexities associated with maintaining such an outdated system necessitated the implementation of a new ERP solution.

• Revamped the company's network infrastructure, which was outdated and difficult to manage. This led to frequent unavailability of network resources and system crashes.

• Transferred all master files from accounting, inventory, and customer databases to the new ERP system.

• Effectively communicated and verified the outcomes of critical customization and integration processes.

• Worked closely with consultants to ensure a seamless transition from the old system to the ERP.

• Assisted in the implementation of incremental releases and verified the integrity of the new system.